D&D and the Stupidity of Cancel Culture

I’m just gonna say this to the people criticizing Wizards of the Coast for Orcs being a race in their lore as being a representation of black people…Shut The F**k Up!!! If you actually took time to read the lore and the histories of the myriads of worlds that encompass D&D and the worlds of Wizards of the Coast, you would see the error of your ignorance.

If you aren’t a member of the cancel culture that seems so prevalent nowadays, I invite….hell I dare you to actually learn about the history of D&D’s worlds and lore, and the history behind the creation of D&D, before you actually make a decision on whether to boycott the company or not. Hell, I dare you to even take the time to create a character and play a game. I think 1) it would open your eyes to the true creative freedom that one can have while playing the GAME, and 2) it may show you how stu…ignorant some are in just outright cancelling a thing before researching a thing.

Also, as a little aside, the original orcs came from Arda, the world inwhich JRR Tolkien created Middle Earth. Orcs in his world represented all that was bad and evil about war, as he was a soldier and survivor of the first World War. D&D is a descendant of Tolkien, as many of us Sci-FI/Fantasy nerds know. The Orc race in D&D is not that far removed from Tolkien’s description. They are a warring, pillaging race, yet they can be played against type as well. That’s the freedom of D&D. Something we all want in our lives, I thought.

In closing, as a Southern black woman, I am all for change, but change in the right way that is lasting. To those who just want to cancel everything without even doing any kind of research or reading, you are more apart of the problem, than apart of the solution, because if people can’t have open debate on the issues–even ones as trivial as a race in a game, then how can any compromise, understanding and true change come about in this world? Also to those that want to just destroy/cover up parts of our history because they suck ass and it’s hard, there is a sage saying that goes “If you don’t remember your past, you are doomed to repeat it.” Think long and hard about that. DO YOU want your descendants to go through the same thing or something similar, because WE DIDN’T leave behind the lessons of the past?

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